40 short Hadees in English
There are many benefits of reading the hadiths of the Holy Prophet. For example, we will know about the general knowledge of the basics including Allah, the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Last Day or the Hereafter and the grave life, etc.; Besides, the general moral guidance of Islam is to do good deeds, refrain from bad deeds, pray, fast in Ramadan, Hajj, Zakat etc.
Below are some short hadiths full of wisdom with words to live my beautiful life.
Today's episode is about the 40 most popular hadiths of the Holy Prophet's daily life.
Today we are sharing some special hadith for your best learning. So share with your friends to encourse us to give more article like this.
This 40 Most Popular Hadith will help you to gather special knowledge in your real life and it will build up your eternal life with peace and happiness.
So finally i will finish by saying this hadith,
"Knowledge is my companion, it is with me wherever I go. My heart is its container, not the bookshelf." –Hazrat Ali رضي الله عنه
40 short hadiths filled with wisdom

MashaAllah ❤️